Monday, June 20, 2011

Wardrobe Essential

I cannot live without clothes, I love them and I keep buying them. But I guess there’re many women that have the same problem as me “I don’t have anything to wear” even you see like thousand pieces of clothes hanging on your wardrobe.
I’ve been researching, reading, and my personal experience. I finally found solution of how to be smart when I have to buy new clothes. Before you buy all fancy, trendy items, you might want to consider whether that you already have essential clothes in your wardrobe.

This is an example of floral jump suit with shorts which I bought from Zara. To be honest, my husband isn’t a fan of floral design at all but I still insisted to buy but I was having the image on my mind that I would mix and match with other item and he might like it.

Your left photo with black blazer and the right photo I mixed with white vast.

I love taking photo so if I know I will have to take photo that day, I checked my old photos on Facebook and try to dress which I never have photo taken before but I am not a millionaire I cannot afford to buy new outfit all the time so I do mix and match instead to create new outfit and I admit I have fun with it.

Here’s some guide of “must haves” in your wardrobe in general.
  1. Tank top - I always wear it underneath other clothe or just wear itself when the weather is warm. I cannot live without it. I suggest you to own one black and one white.
  2.  Blazer or Cardigan - If you live in warm weather country, you might don’t need this but if you live in the country that have 4 seasons you might need this almost of the time even in summer when it could be so windy.
  3. Jeans – Everyday girl should own one perfect pair of jeans, my favorite is skinny jeans.
  4. Little black dress – It ‘s always useful when it come to “ I don’t know what should I wear to this event “ Black dress always the answer and you can wear it over and over again without anybody noticing.  You can mix and match with jacket, cardigan, blazer or even legging. Simple and Classy!
  5. Skirt – Black skirt always good with any occasion, good with any kind of tops
  6. Black flat or heels – Just like skirt, it always good with any of occasion and every where you go.

So if you have all basic essential when you are going to shopping next time, first thing you might want to look for is the basic but it might be different color, different design. You can have fun mix and match them. Then you can go for your fancy, trendy outfit for time to time. But remember, think before you buy them “where and when” you are going to use it. Would you wear it again after you wear for that party or those events? Can you mix and match with other? If its all “No”, you might consider not buying it to avoid throwing it away later. Even money isn’t your issue but your wardrobe shouldn’t have more cluttered right?

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